ITMO University supports its students’ desire to participate in online and offline short-term educational events (up to one month in length) and research internships in a relevant field of study (up to one semester in length) held in Russia (but outside of St. Petersburg) and abroad, and invites them to participate in a competition for partial funding of such endeavors.
We accept applications for partial funding of participation in online and offline conferences, seminars, schools, intensive training weeks, competitions, tournaments, research internships and other events held by Russian and international universities, both ITMO’s partner universities and other research and education centers.
ITMO University can reimburse no more than 70%, and no more than 70,000 rubles, of your expenses.
The competition is open throughout the year. You should submit your application no later than 12 working days before the start of an event.
Read the stories of students who obtained ITMO University’s financial support and went on their short-term trips!
You can choose an international or Russian event:
Register for the chosen online event and receive an invitation for participation.
After receiving an invitation to participate in the chosen online event (i.e. before it starts), you should immediately send the following documents to short-term@itmo.ru via your @niuitmo.ru email:
The invitation should include all the abovementioned info.
If a registration fee needs to be paid when registering for the event, your application may be considered without the invitation. In this case, please send your invitation after the official announcement of the competition's results at least five working days before the start of the event.
A notification about the results of the partial funding competition will be sent to the @niuitmo.ru email address within five business days after you submit all the documents. If the decision is positive, it will take effect after you complete Step 6.
*(all documents must be translated into Russian. You can provide your own translation).
Participate in the online event and receive the certificate of participation.
Within three working days after the completion of the online event, you should send the following documents from your @niuitmo.ru email to short-term@itmo.ru:
You may be required to provide additional documents. You will be informed about this via your @niuitmo.ru email.
Remember that ITMO University can only reimburse no more than 70% of your registration fee, and no more than 70,000 rubles.
*If two or more students are going to attend the same event with one report and poster presentation for all, only one of them can qualify for attaining ITMO University’s financial support.
You can choose an international or Russian event:
The application should be submitted via ISU (ISU: Личный кабинет – Электронные заявки – Учеба – Заявка на конкурс частичной финансовой поддержки поездок обучающихся в рамках учебной деятельности).
The list of documents necessary for participation in ITMO University’s partial funding competition includes:
The invitation should include all the abovementioned info.
If a registration fee needs to be paid when registering for the conference, your application may be considered without the invitation. In this case, please send your invitation after the official announcement of the competition's results at least two weeks before the start of the trip.
If you’re planning to pay for tickets or other services using a card registered on another person, make sure to mention it in your letter when applying for the competition.
For your application to be considered, the competition’s coordinators may ask you to submit additional documents or correct the already submitted ones. You will be informed about this via @niuitmo.ru email.
The head of your educational program must review and confirm your application via ISU (ISU: Административная деятельность – Документооборот – Поступившие на согласование). If you don’t know who the head of your program is, you can find them in ISU by clicking on the name of your program on your personal page.
You can check the status of your application on ISU. The results of the competition will be available within 5 working days of your application being confirmed by the head of your educational program.
1. Request your travel documents via ISU (ISU: Личный кабинет – Электронные заявки – Оформление документов на поездку).
After you apply, you will be notified via email about when you can visit the Student Services Office to sign the documents.
2. If you’re participating with a report, an exhibit, a poster presentation, or a paper at an international event, you must obtain an open publication approval, as well as an identification examination report via ISU (ISU: Личный кабинет - Образование и наука - Экспертиза материалов).
NOTE! The documents must be ready at least a week before the trip.
Within three days after you return to St. Petersburg, you must submit the documents confirming your trip and associated expenses to the Student Services Office.
After that, you will be notified via email about when you can visit the Student Services Office to sign an expenses report.
+7 (812) 480-08-71