ITMO University invites its PhD students to participate in competition to obtain partial funding for their participation in a research internship up to one month in length at a university or a research center abroad, as well as their participation in online and offline international conferences (i.e. those held outside of Russia) in order to deliver a report. Only tuition-free PhD students are eligible to participate in the partial funding competition.
ITMO University can remunerate no more than 70% of all expenses and only up to 50,000 rubles.
The competition is open throughout the year. It’s important that you submit your application no later than 10 working days before the planned event.
The competition for ITMO University’s partial funding is open to tuition-free PhD students who meet the following requirements:
Please bear in mind that no more than five ITMO PhD students can get financial support to attend the same online conference.
Choose an international (held by an organization outside of Russia) online conference in the field of your specialization.
Remember that the inclusion of the conference’s collection of works in Web of Science or Scopus is a mandatory requirement for obtaining partial funding for your participation!
Register for the online conference you’ve chosen and receive an invitation to participate.
As soon as you receive the invitation to participate in the online conference (i.e. before it begins), send the following documents to short-term@itmo.ru:
1. A scanned copy of the signed application;
2. Invitation from the hosting party, which must include its official letterhead and indicate the following:
The invitation should include all the abovementioned info.
If a registration fee needs to be paid when registering for the event, your application may be considered without the invitation. In this case, please send your invitation after the official announcement of the competition's results at least five working days before the start of the event.
3. The program of the event;
4. A written obligation to publish an article within one year of the event’s ending date in a journal indexed in Web of Science or Scopus with an SJR of at least 0.45.
5. When participating in an event abroad or an event in Russia, the working language of which is English, you have to provide a certificate confirming your English language proficiency (no lower than the B2 level) if English isn’t your native language. If you don’t have a certificate, you can sign up for an English language test at ITMO University here. If the event is hosted in a language other than English, sign up for a test by writing at short-term@itmo.ru.
The notification of the results of the partial funding competition will be sent to the email address you indicated in your application within five working days. If the decision is positive, it will take effect after you complete Step 6.
Before you deliver your presentation at the online conference, don’t forget to contact Lyudmila Kazar (kazar@itmo.ru) to obtain an expert evaluation and Sergey Lukin (sblukin@itmo.ru) – an identification examination report for your presentation.
Participate in the online conference and receive a certificate of participation.
Send your certificate of participation and a bank statement indicating the payment of the registration fee to short-term@itmo.ru.
Remember that ITMO University can only reimburse no more than 70% of your registration fee, and no more than 50,000 rubles.
The competition for ITMO University’s partial funding is open to tuition-free PhD students wanting to attend an international scientific conference to present a report or participate in a research internship up to one month in length at a university or research center abroad if they meet the following requirements:
Please bear in mind that no more than five ITMO PhD students can get financial support to attend the same event.
Choose an international scientific conference or an internship placement abroad.
Remember that the inclusion of the conference’s collection of works in Web of Science or Scopus is a mandatory requirement for obtaining partial funding for your trip!
If a registration fee needs to be paid when registering for the conference, the application can be considered without the invitation. In this case, please send your invitation to short-term@itmo.ru after the official announcement of results of the competition at least two weeks before the start of the trip.
The application should be submitted via ISU (ISU: Личный кабинет – Электронные заявки – Учеба – Заявка на конкурс частичной финансовой поддержки поездок обучающихся в рамках учебной деятельности).
The list of the documents necessary for participation in ITMO University’s partial support competition includes:
1. Invitation from the hosting party, which must indicate the following:
If a registration fee needs to be paid when registering for the conference, the application can be considered without the invitation. In this case, please send your invitation after the official announcement of the competition's results at least five working days before the start of the trip.
2. The program of the conference (if participating in a research internship, the indication of the internship’s goals and plan in the invitation will be enough).
3. A written obligation to publish an article within one year of the event’s ending date in a journal indexed in Web of Science or Scopus with an SJR of at least 0.45. PhD students who have publications indexed in Web of Science or Scopus (with an SJR of at least 0.45) may not submit a written obligation.
4. A certificate in English language proficiency with the level B2 and higher, if English isn’t your native language. If you don’t have a certificate, you can sign up for a free test at ITMO University.
5. If you’ve already received ITMO University funding to participate in conferences and other events, you need to provide a written report on the results achieved following this event (publication type, output data, indexing in databases and the journal’s impact factor, enclosed scans of the publications).
For your application to be considered, the competition’s coordinators may ask you to submit additional documents or correct the already submitted ones. You will be informed about this via a letter sent to the email you indicated in your application.
Your supervisor must confirm your trip in ISU (ISU: Административная деятельность – Документооборот – Поступившие на согласование).
You will be sent a notification to the email you indicated in your application within five working days.
1. Obtain the following documents for your report, exhibit, or publication:
Important! The documents need to be ready at least a week before the trip.
2. Bring the evaluation, the identification examination report, and the text of your report to the Exports Control Office.
3. Once you’re notified of their completion at the email you indicated in your application, print all the documents for your trip from the Administrative Services section in ISU.
4. Sign the documents yourself and get the signatures of your faculty’s dean and the head of your work unit at ITMO (if applicable).
5. Bring the signed documents to the Academic Mobility Support Office
Submit the following documents to the Accounts Department within three working days after your return. Please note that the Accounts Department may ask you to submit additional documents.
+7 (812) 480-08-71