International offices and departments

International Educational Programs Department

International Educational Programs Department (IEPD) is the first port of call for prospective international students and scholars at ITMO University. IEPD facilitates international recruitment and is responsible for the majority of international education activities, exchange programs and international research groups for foreign students and scholars as well as outward mobility activities for Russian students.

It implements ITMO University’s internationalization strategies through actively seeking and engaging new foreign partner institutions, establishing academic and research relationships, hosting foreign delegations at ITMO and managing foreign representative offices.

To date, it has been instrumental in launching and coordinating over 50 joint programs, with the number growing every year. It also develops new forms of collaboration through new program formats to meet the most current demands of the marketplace.

International Educational Programs Department

  • coordinates and supports research and teaching collaboration activities established at the faculty, institute and chair levels
  • collaborates with online recruiting platforms
  • facilitates the process of students gaining international academic experience by developing relationships with university international academic partners worldwide and through state bilateral agreements
  • initiates and supports joint research projects or research groups
  • participates in key education and research markets, major international education fairs and annual networking conferences in Europe, North America, China and India
  • acts as the first port of call for delegations and visitors from other countries and establishes contacts between international visitors and both academics and students at ITMO

International Educational Programs Department

International Admission Office

ITMO’s International Admissions Office oversees the admission process to the University’s international educational programs of different levels (from short-term courses to full-time Master’s programs taught in English), providing administrative support and advisory services to prospective students.

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International Organizational and Legal Support Office

The office's key responsibilities include signing international agreements and contracts, coordination of international partnerships, facilitating events aimed at promoting the University’s international brand, etc.

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