International offices and departments


  • coordinate communications with partner universities and manage activities related to academic exchange;
  • offer consultations to students on the subject of academic mobility, as well as short- and long-term educational programs;
  • organize and curate academic exchange competitions;
  • send students to exchange programs and internships at partner universities as part of the university’s academic mobility program;
  • manage processes associated with the implementation of joint educational programs, including in the online format;
  • manage and coordinate processes within the university and with external contractors on the subject of admission of international and Russian students from partner universities or educational institutions;
  • hold partial funding competitions for students to help them participate in educational events and research internships in Russia and abroad; review applications for funding, and offer consultations;
  • provide transcripts of records in English;
  • translate academic progress reports given to students at the end of their studies at host universities;
  • coordinate and submit students’ applications for the Presidential Scholarship programs, offer consultations to students on the application process, and interact with international scientific and educational organizations;
  • organize internship opportunities for students from foreign universities at the university;
  • manage, promote, and coordinate the university’s short-term international educational programs;
  • coordinate and manage ITMO's Buddy System club;
  • enroll international students within the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation initiative and interact with partner organizations;
  • coordinate the promotion of the Open Doors scholarship program among future PhD students;
  • support initiatives meant to develop international relations in terms of educational and research activities;
  • provide informational support for and curate international projects and programs.