Buddy System

Buddy System

Want to come to ITMO for an exchange, but are afraid to take a leap into the big unknown? Don’t worry – ITMO’s international students are assisted each step of the way, from arriving to St. Petersburg to navigating studies and fun, through a variety of student support programs operating at the university.

As part of one of these programs, Buddy System, you’ll be assigned a Russian buddy (one of our friendly Russian students) who’ll help you with all matters concerning adapting to a life in a new city and just be there for you when you need it (cue the main theme from Friends).

And hey, one day you yourself might decide to become a buddy for a newcomer too! Like all good deeds, this will be rewarded, in our case with a number of opportunities and bonuses, including:

  • attending city tours free of charge;
  • a competitive advantage in our international academic mobility contest;
  • scholarship opportunities;
  • as well as language practice, boosted soft skills (which will look real good on your resume!) and meeting lots of interesting people from all over the globe!

All details are available in our VK group (and while you’re there, drop us a message anyway, we’d love to hear from you).

You can also read our interview with Buddy System's manager Anna Gargalyk to learn more about the iniative and the support it provides to international students!

Still got questions?

Buddy System

Lomonosova St. 9, office 2139c, St. Petersburg, Russia, 191002
Academic Mobility Support Office
Darya Pavlichenko

+7 (812) 480-08-70