As a new employee of ITMO University, you’ll need to sign up for the university’s intranet system ISU*, which will help you create a corporate email, get a personal WiFi password, find your colleagues’ contact information, apply for a vacation, as well as monitor your salary; and that’s just some of the opportunities the system offers.
ISU and its many uses
ISU is ITMO University’s own intranet system. It allows you to create a corporate email, get a personal WiFi password, find your colleagues’ contact information, fill in the worktrip-related paperwork, apply for a vacation, and monitor your salary; the system has all what it takes to help you organize your work life to a T.
My page. Your page on ISU is your personal profile which lists general information about yourself like your contact number or academic papers you wrote and can be updated it any time you like. Your page also includes such useful features as:
Portfolio. This section contains information on the terms of your labor contract and changes in your salary, as well as your payroll sheets.
Activities. Here you can find information on the students you supervise and apply for further professional development.
Settings. This section will help you create a corporate email account, get your personal Wi-Fi password, and change your ISU password if necessary.
ISU also gives you access to a range of handy services that will help you cut all the red tape and bureaucratic runaround out of your working process. You can find these services in the App Center section. They include:
Requests. This application lets you apply for various documents such as your employment and income confirmation certificates, online.
Vacation. Here you can check how many vacation days you have and apply for a vacation.
ISU’s main menu has other practical features, too: look out for the Useful links section containing lots of various utilities like Corporate stylistics, which includes templates of business cards, official letterheads, ITMO University logos, and presentations (both in English and Russian).
To sign up for ISU, go to isu.ifmo.ru/reg and follow the instructions.
*Please, note that the English version of ISU is currently in development; certain pages and applications are available only in Russian.
If you have any questions about the system, write to support@itmo.ru or use the feedback form.